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Sen. Chris McDaniel discusses his legislative priorities for the state and his district.

Sen. Chris McDaniel stopped by our offices to discuss his legislative priorities for not only his district but also the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Sen. McDaniel is the Senate Appropriations and Revenue Chairman which is responsible for:

Executive Budget and State Appropriations: Overseeing matters related to the executive budget and the allocation of state funds.

Taxation: Managing the levying of state and local taxes, including school taxes, and addressing property tax rates and assessments.

State Debt and Revenue Bonds: Handling issues concerning state debt and revenue bond projects.

Claims and Audits: Reviewing claims upon the treasury and conducting audits for state purposes.

Financial Administration: Supervising budget and financial administration, including the payment, collection, and refund of taxes.

Accounting of State Funds: Ensuring proper accounting of state funds by local officers.

These responsibilities enable the committee to manage Kentucky's fiscal policies and ensure the efficient use of state resources. To learn more about Sen. McDaniel visit:

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